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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know

Need something clarified? Here are our most frequently asked questions.

How to start & when investing






    Italy (Südtirol)

    The Netherlands




  • To invest in Oikocredit, follow these steps:

    1. Fill in the form: You will be contacted by our friendly engagement team to start your offline onboarding process.
    2. Provide details: We’ll reach out to warmly welcome you and guide you through the process using your preferred communication method. Then we send you the relevant forms for the next step.
    3. Submit documents & verify your identity: You’ll need to submit the official documents required to complete the process. This includes verifying your identity.
    4. Transfer your investment: Send the amount you wish to invest to Oikocredit’s bank account. Be sure to include your investment number (starting with “I-“) and “purchase of participations” in the reference field.
    5. Make your first investment: Once your account is confirmed, you can make your first investment of a minimum of €200.

    With your MyOikocredit account, you’ll have 24/7 access to manage your investments online.


  • To invest in Oikocredit as organisation, follow these steps:

    1. Contact us Start your process by reaching out to our Investor Support team. Simply fill in the contact form below: ‘Invest as an organisation.’ [Link to the form below]
    2. Provide initial information Once you’ve contacted us, we’ll reach out via email with some questions to gather important details about your organisation, such as your ownership structure and bank information. Then we send you the relevant forms for the next step.
    3. Submit key documents After the initial information has been collected, you’ll need to submit the official documents required to complete the process. This includes identification, proof of incorporation (like articles of association and a registry extract), bank account details and proof of address.
    4. Make your first investment After your account is confirmed, you can make your first investment of a minimum €200 (or equivalent in SEK/CHF). From there, you can easily invest additional amounts at any time through our Investor Support team.
  • You can invest in Oikocredit if you or your organisation:

    1. Reside in a country where Oikocredit is authorised to offer participations.
    2. Support Oikocredit’s mission and confirm your alignment with its purpose when requested.
    3. Meet the necessary due diligence requirements, including compliance with Dutch laws on anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing, and sanctions.

    These criteria ensure that our investments are aligned with our values and adhere to all legal requirements.

  • Yes, you can open a joint account with another person, as long as both of you are at least 18 years old, reside in the same country, and have a joint bank account to use for your Oikocredit investment. Either account holder can manage the account independently, without needing consent from the other.

  • For individuals and joint accounts, you will need to provide the following valid and recent documents during the sign-up process:

    Individual account:

    • A completed subscription form
    • A copy of your official photo ID
    • Proof of address

    Joint account with another person:

    • A completed subscription form
    • Proof of address for the address linked to the joint account
    • Both account holders will need to provide a certified copy of their official photo ID
  • To open an investment account for an organisation, you’ll need the following documents:

    • A completed subscription form for organisations
    • Proof of existence (e.g. articles of incorporation, a registry or chamber of commerce extract)
    • If applicable: articles of association or bylaws
    • If applicable: proof of address
    • An ultimate beneficial owner declaration form

    Please note that organisations cannot invest online. For more information or to request the forms, contact us via [email protected].

  • The minimum amount to invest in Oikocredit for the first time is € 200/ CHF 250/ SEK 2000 (the nominal value of one participation). Even if the net asset value per participation is lower at the time of your investment, you still need to invest the minimum amount, which may result in purchasing more than one participation. For additional investments, smaller amounts are allowed, and you will receive fractions of participations accordingly.

  • You can transfer (part of) your investment to someone else. For details, refer to the question ‘Can I transfer my investment to someone else?‘. However, it’s not possible to directly make a transfer from your personal bank account to the Oikocredit account of another investor, as each Oikocredit account can only have one designated reference bank account.

  • You must be at least 18 years old to invest in Oikocredit. However, it is possible for an adult to open an account in their own name and designate it for a minor. The child’s name will appear on the account, alongside the adult’s name, but the adult remains the legal owner of the investment. Once the child reaches 18 (or the age of majority in your country), the ownership can be transferred to them, provided they pass the necessary identity and eligibility checks.

  • Becoming a member of a local support association (SA) connects you with a community of like-minded people who are committed to Oikocredit’s mission. You don’t need to be an investor to join – anyone can become a member and support our work. As an SA member, you can engage in local activities that raise awareness about ethical investing, support sustainable development, and foster learning within your community.

    Support associations play a key role in promoting Oikocredit’s mission in their regions. They organise events, share knowledge and encourage local action to help grow Oikocredit’s global impact. SAs help to build connections between members, investors, and Oikocredit, ensuring that our mission reaches more people.

    You can also choose to invest in Oikocredit without becoming a member of a support association. Both options offer valuable ways to contribute to positive change.

  • There are no costs for buying, holding, or selling participations in Oikocredit. While we currently have no plans to introduce fees, this could change in the future, and we would inform you in advance if that happens.

  • Yes, you can. If you have an individual or joint account, we encourage you to manage your investment through our MyOikocredit portal. This allows you to access and manage your investment anytime, anywhere.

    Please note that organisations cannot invest online. For more information contact us via [email protected]

    Log in to your account now >

    Already invested but don’t have an online MyOikocredit account yet?

    Sign up here >

  • Once you’ve made your initial investment, you can easily increase your investment in Oikocredit participations at any time, with an amount of your choice. Simply log in to your MyOikocredit account to make additional investments.

    You can easily increase your investment also by bank transfer. To do so, simply transfer funds from your bank account, ensuring that you include either your investment number (starting with “l-“) or your six-digit investor number in the reference field.

    Please note: The name on the bank account must match the name of the Oikocredit account holder. Transfers are accepted only in EUR from authorized bank accounts in the European Union. For Switzerland transfers are accepted in CHF or EUR from bank accounts in Switzerland.

    Our bank account details
    Account holder: OIKOCREDIT E.D.C.S. U.A.

    IBAN: AT57 2011 1826 7043 6100

    IBAN: BE64 5230 8151 6552

    IBAN: FR76 4255 9100 0008 0051 1172 464


    North Germany
    IBAN: DE64 3506 0190 1011 8420 34

    IBAN: DE89 3506 0190 1011 8420 69

    East Germany
    IBAN: DE11 3506 0190 1011 8420 18

    West Germany
    IBAN:  DE12 3506 0190 1011 8420 00

    IBAN: DE20 3506 0190 1011 8420 50

    IBAN:  DE42 3506 0190 1011 8420 42

    IBAN:  DE86 3506 0190 1011 8420 26

    NL49 RABO 0300 0562 57

    Switzerland (no BIC on the old website)

    Schwyzer Kantonalbank (SZKB)
    Oikocredit E.D.C.S. U.A., General-Guisan-Strasse 47, 8400 Winterthur
    IBAN (CHF): CH97 0077 7009 3701 6742 4
    IBAN (EUR): CH27 0077 7009 3701 6732 6

    Please note that organisations cannot increase their investment online. To do so, contact us via [email protected]

    If you need further assistance, feel free to email us at [email protected].


  • If you’ve sent money to Oikocredit but have changed your mind, you can withdraw your request for participation within 14 calendar days of receiving confirmation of the issuance. To do so, please inform us in writing via [email protected], by letter, or by fax.

    If the 14-day period has passed, you can still request to redeem your investment. Simply submit a redemption request through MyOikocredit or request a printable redemption form by emailing [email protected]. Please note that all redemptions are at Oikocredit’s discretion. More details can be found in our participation terms.

    For those unable to create an online account, a printable redemption request form can be requested by emailing [email protected].


  • If you wish to stop investing, you can request to redeem your investment at any time. Oikocredit will return your invested amount according to the applicable terms and conditions, depending on the availability of funds and market conditions.

  • Yes, you can transfer your investment to another person as long as they are either an existing Oikocredit investor or meet our eligibility criteria. To transfer participations, you’ll need to request and submit a transfer request form via [email protected]. If the recipient is not yet an investor, Oikocredit will confirm their eligibility in writing and, if eligible, begin the onboarding process.

Cost, dividends & risks

  • Since Oikocredit was founded in 1975, no investor has lost their invested capital. However, it’s important to note that past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Oikocredit is not a bank, and investing in Oikocredit participations involves different risks compared to a savings account. Your investment in Oikocredit participations represents equity in the organisation, which carries considerable risks.

    In the event of a bankruptcy, your investment is not protected by any deposit or investor compensation scheme. However, Oikocredit takes measures to minimise risks for the organisation, its partners, and investors. For more details, see ‘What are the risks of investing in Oikocredit?’ and ‘What does Oikocredit do to minimise risks?’.

    If Oikocredit were to become insolvent, claims on participations would be ‘subordinated’, meaning that in case of bankruptcy, investors are paid out after all other creditors.

  • Investing in Oikocredit participations means investing in the organisation’s equity, which comes with considerable risks. You may have to wait a long time to get your money back, and there’s a possibility that you might receive less than you originally invested. In the worst-case scenario, you could lose your entire investment. It’s crucial to be comfortable with these risks before investing.

    Oikocredit outlines financial, non-financial, and strategic risks in detail in chapter 1 of its Prospectus, which all investors are strongly encouraged to read. For an overview of these risks, consult the prospectus summary available in your language.

    Oikocredit works to protect investors by setting aside provisions for expected losses and making careful business decisions, but there will always be some residual risk. Key risks include:

    • Dividends are not guaranteed and may fluctuate.
    • The value of participations may fall below your initial investment.
    • You may not be able to sell or redeem your participations immediately, as this depends on Oikocredit’s discretion to repurchase them.

    For more information, see the prospectus and ‘What does Oikocredit do to minimise risks?’.

  • The price for buying or selling participations in Oikocredit is determined by the net asset value (NAV) per participation or the nominal value, whichever is lower. The nominal value (€ 200/ CHF 250/ SEK 2000) is the maximum price for a participation, as outlined in Oikocredit’s Articles of Association and Participation Terms. The NAV reflects the value on the last calendar day of each month and is calculated monthly.

    In practice, this means that if the net asset value per euro participation is higher than € 200 (Oikocredit’s benchmark currency), issuance and redemption will take place at € 200/ CHF 250/ SEK 2000, not at the higher value. And if the NAV per euro participation is lower than € 200, issuance and redemption will take place at the lower euro/Swiss francs/Swedish krona value, provided Oikocredit hasn’t paused these transactions.

    Although Oikocredit has never redeemed investors at a price lower than the nominal value, there is always a risk of receiving back less than or none of the money you invested. Additionally, there may be delays in getting your money back.

  • Oikocredit’s primary focus is on creating social impact for people with low incomes, but we also aim to provide a modest return on investments. Each year, the Annual General Meeting of Oikocredit’s cooperative members determines whether dividends will be paid, and at what level. However, dividends are not guaranteed and can vary. In recent years, dividend payments have ranged from 0% to 2%. You can find the latest dividend figures in our Annual Report’s five-year overview.

    It’s important to note that Oikocredit will never repurchase participations at a value above their nominal price (€ 200/ CHF 250/ SEK 2000), so investors should not expect returns higher than this nominal value.

  • Yes, you can choose to reinvest your dividend, have it paid out, or donate it. Simply let us know your preference in MyOikocredit by 1 June of the following year. If you do not inform us of your choice, we will automatically reinvest the dividend for you.

    If you’re an organisation, please contact us via [email protected]

  • Yes, receiving a dividend on your investment in participations is generally considered taxable income. If you are required to file a tax return, you should include the dividend in your return as income on an equity instrument. Tax treatment may vary depending on your local jurisdiction, so we recommend consulting a tax advisor to understand how dividend taxation applies to your situation.

  • When you redeem your investment, you may incur capital gains or losses depending on whether the redemption price is higher or lower than the amount you initially invested. The tax treatment of these gains or losses will depend on your local tax laws. We recommend consulting a tax advisor for advice on your specific situation regarding capital gains taxation.

  • Oikocredit manages financial, non-financial, and strategic risks through a comprehensive risk management framework. Details about this can be found in our annual reports and prospectus. Here are some of the ways we mitigate risks:

    • Diversification: We spread our investments across multiple countries, sectors, and partners to reduce exposure to any single area.
    • Credit risk: We mitigate credit risks with loan loss provisions and careful risk assessments supported by local staff in regional and country offices.
    • Currency risk: We reduce foreign currency risks through external hedging.
    • Liquidity risk: We maintain a liquidity buffer to ensure we can meet our financial obligations.

    For more information, see the prospectus and also the question ‘What are the risks of investing in Oikocredit?’.

About Oikocredit

  • When you invest in Oikocredit, you’re purchasing a non-voting equity instrument called a participation, governed by Dutch law. The investments raised from investors are used to provide loans and capacity building to organisations – our partners – that serve the needs of communities with low incomes. These partners help people increase their incomes, savings, and access to essential services, fostering stronger businesses and sustainable futures.

    As part of our global community of impact investors, you’re contributing to positive change. You also have the opportunity to join a local Oikocredit Support Association in your country or region, where you can stay informed, participate in development education, and engage with others who share your values. Read more in the question ‘What are the benefits of becoming a member of the local support association?’.

  • Oikocredit is not a licensed bank or a regulated fund, so our activities are not supervised by the Dutch financial regulator (AFM) or other financial regulators. However, our prospectus is approved by the AFM, and we undergo regular audits by an internationally recognised audit firm.

  • No, Oikocredit’s local experts and management select the partners we support. We work with partners in over 33 countries across sectors like financial inclusion, agriculture, and renewable energy. When choosing partners, we consider how to maximise the impact of our investors’ money while diversifying risks for our investors.

  • We always try to provide you with the best possible service. If you are not satisfied with the service you have received, you can always contact us:

    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: +31 33 4224040
    Postal address: P.O. Box 2136, 3800 CC Amersfoort, The Netherlands

    Belgian office:

    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: +32 (0)2 213 04 31v
    Postal address: Rue des Tanners 165, 1000 Brussels