Consumer information

Pursuant to European consumer legislation, the following information must be made available to the consumer in good time before they submit an online participation subscription form:

1. About Oikocredit

OIKOCREDIT, Ecumenical Development Cooperative Society U.A. (Oikocredit)
Berkenweg 7
3818 LA Amersfoort, the Netherlands

Phone: +31 33 422 40 40
Email: [email protected]

OIKOCREDIT, Ecumenical Development Cooperative Society U.A. (Oikocredit) is a cooperative with excluded liability (coöperatie met uitgesloten aansprakelijkheid) under Dutch law.

Commercial register: Oikocredit is registered in the Dutch Commercial Register, Kamer van Koophandel (KvK), under KvK number 31020744.

Main characteristics of Oikocredit: Oikocredit is a social impact investor and worldwide cooperative focused on promoting sustainable development. With the funds provided by its members and investors, Oikocredit offers loans, equity investments and capacity building to its partner organisations with the aim of improving the quality of life of low-income people in the Global South. Together with its support associations, Oikocredit also promotes awareness of important issues in the Global North.

VAT identification number of Oikocredit: NL005798966B01

2. Supervisory authority

Oikocredit itself is not subject to supervision by any public authority. The competent supervisory authority that has approved the prospectus is the Dutch supervisory authority (Autoriteit Financiële Markten – AFM),Vijzelgracht 50, 1017 HS Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

3. Main features of the participation

Nature of the investment
The investment is a security structured in accordance with Dutch law and offered to the public on the basis of a prospectus authorised by the Dutch Financial Market Authority (Autoriteit Financiële Markten – AFM). From an economic perspective, a participation is considered a non-voting equity instrument governed by Dutch law. Voting rights in the cooperative are held by Oikocredit’s member organisations.

The main rules governing the participation can be found in Oikocredit’s participation terms and articles of association. For further details, please refer to these documents as well as the prospectus. A careful reading of the prospectus, which can be consulted here, cannot be replaced by this consumer information.

Conclusion of the contract, essential performance, characteristics
By completing the participation subscription form in full and submitting it to Oikocredit, the investor declares the wish to acquire participation(s), in the manner as set out in the participation terms.

The agreement for the acquisition of participation(s) is concluded at the time at which Oikocredit accepts the offer as set out in the participation subscription form by issuing the participations and sending the confirmation thereof.

The investor does not become a member of the international cooperative Oikocredit by acquiring or holding participations. In particular, the participations do not confer on the investor the right to participate in or vote at the general meeting of Oikocredit. Oikocredit also does not facilitate any meetings of investors.

Oikocredit may, following a resolution of its Annual General Meeting and with the approval of the Supervisory Board, make distributions in the form of dividend payments to investors, in accordance with the relevant provisions in Oikocredit’s participation terms and articles of association. Further details, in particular as regards the nature and calculation of the dividend, can be found in the participation terms and articles of association.

All claims of an investor in participations are subordinated in any insolvency proceedings to all present and future liabilities of Oikocredit, as further set out in article 4.9 of the participation terms.

4. Special risks

The acquisition of a participation involves risks. The risks are set out in chapter 1 of the prospectus. The realisation of these risks may lead to the partial or complete absence of pay-outs or returns for the investor, up to the complete loss of the investment amount. Oikocredit’s past results are not a guarantee for any future results.

All investors are advised to seek expert advice on a personal level prior to making a final investment decision with regard to the risks associated with the investment, their personal circumstances and financial situation and any resulting risks.

5. Taxes, purchase price and costs

Dividends distributed by Oikocredit are not subject to withholding tax in the Netherlands. If an investor receives a dividend on their investment in participations, the dividend will be considered taxable income. If an investor is obligated to submit a tax return, the dividend received should be included in their tax return. The dividend is likely considered by an investor’s local tax authority as income on an equity instrument. However, this may be interpreted differently depending on jurisdiction. Reference is made to the explanations on the tax bases in section 11 of the prospectus. With regard to the tax implications of an investment in Oikocredit, all investors are advised to seek expert advice on their personal tax situation and the tax implications of an investment.

The purchase price for the participation is the net asset value (NAV) per participation or the nominal value, whichever is lower. There are no further costs and fees.

6. Payment and performance of contracts

The subscription amount must be transferred to Oikocredit’s bank account and within the term specified in the confirmation notice after receipt of a completed subscription form or issuance request.

The issuance of participations will only take place after acceptance of the subscription form by Oikocredit, full receipt of the corresponding payment and a decision by Oikocredit to honour the issuance request for participations.

7. Redemption of participations

An investor may submit a redemption request at any time by submitting a fully completed form for the redemption of participations. Investment redemptions are always at Oikocredit’s discretion, taking into account Oikocredit’s participation terms and articles of association. For further details, in particular with regard to the calculation of the redemption price, reference is made to these documents and the prospectus.

The participations may not be encumbered with a lien, a usufruct or any other right or encumbrance.

8. Withdrawal

With regard to the details of the right of withdrawal, reference is made to the participation subscription form and conditions for investing.

9. Applicable law / place of jurisdiction

The participation subscription form and any agreement entered into pursuant to the participation subscription form shall be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands.

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the participation subscription form and any agreement entered into pursuant to the participation subscription form, whether contractual or non-contractual, shall be exclusively submitted to the jurisdiction of the competent court in Amsterdam.

10. Language

This consumer information is provided in English. All information as well as all other communication are provided bindingly in English.

11. Out-of-court dispute resolution

If investors have a complaint that cannot be resolved amicably, they may access the Online Dispute Resolution platform of the European Commission.

12. Existence of a guarantee fund or other compensation schemes

There are no guarantee funds or other investor compensation schemes in any country. In particular, there is no deposit guarantee for the investor’s claims arising from the participation.

13. Period of validity of the information

This consumer information is valid until expressly changed.

14. Code of Conduct

Oikocredit subscribes to its Code of Conduct, which can be consulted here: