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Act locally, impact globally

Awareness, action and advocacy

Did you know that the richest 1% of the global population controls almost half of the world’s wealth?* Or that cacao farmers receive on average just 6% of the price of an ordinary chocolate bar?** These are just a few examples of the inequalities we explore through our work.

Together with our regional support associations, we raise awareness about social and economic injustices, discuss the power of money, and inspire action for a more equitable and sustainable world.

* Oxfam International
** Fairtrade

17 Nachhaltigkeitsziele, Foto: C. Gabler

Building a fairer world together

Act for change

Oikocredit’s vision of a just, sustainable world is amplified by driving change in the countries where our investors come from.

Through our engaging learning formats, we inspire individuals and groups to act, not just by investing responsibly, but through advocacy and societal engagement on topics close to Oikocredit’s focus areas. With interactive offers like workshops, games and presentations, we strive to foster a shared responsibility for a fairer world with a more equal distribution of wealth and opportunities.

Learn how to get engaged below.