Important legal information
About Oikocredit International (hereinafter “we”)
Oikocredit, Ecumenical Development Cooperative Society U.A. (“Oikocredit International”) is a cooperative society with corporate status under the laws of the Netherlands and was founded in 1975.
Oikocredit International is registered with the Gooi, Eem- und Flevoland Chamber of Commerce in Amersfoort, the Netherlands under number 31020744.
Oikocredit, Ecumenical Development Cooperative Society U.A. has its central office in Berkenweg 7, 3818 LA, Amersfoort, the Netherlands.
The postal address is: P.O. Box 2136, 3800 CC Amersfoort, the Netherlands.
Email: [email protected]. Phone: + 31 33 4224040.
Tax ID: NL005798966B01
Oikocredit International promotes sustainable development by providing loans, investments and capacity building to the financial inclusion, agriculture and renewable energy sectors. As a social investor, Oikocredit’s work is guided by the principle of empowering people to improve their livelihoods.
Oikocredit International’s investment capital comes from its members, including churches, church organisations and from non-members.
The information on this website is for general information purposes only about Oikocredit. It does not constitute an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell an investment in Oikocredit. The information does not contain all the essential information required for an investment decision. The prospectus is the only authoritative document for the investment. The prospectus, any supplements to the prospectus and the summary of the prospectus can be found here.The participation terms can be found here.
The prospectus was authorised for use in connection with an offering by the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets (AFM), as competent authority under the Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (the Prospectus Regulation) and has also been authorised for use in connection with an offering in Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain and Sweden. The AFM only approved the prospectus as meeting the standards of completeness, comprehensibility and consistency imposed by the Prospectus Regulation. Such approval should not be considered as an endorsement of the issuer or of the quality of the securities that are the subject of the prospectus. Investors should make their own assessment as to the suitability of investing in the securities. The distribution of the prospectus may in certain jurisdictions be restricted by law.
Investors are expressly informed that an investment in Oikocredit entails certain risks. Investors should read and carefully review the content of the prospectus. Before making an investment decision, each prospective investor should consult his or her own financial, legal or tax advisers.
Editorial responsibility for this website
Communications Department, Oikocredit International, P.O. Box 2136, 3800 CC Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Email: [email protected]. Phone: + 31 33 4224040
Intellectual property
Oikocredit is a registered trademark of Oikocredit. All content and materials on the website, including copyright, are the property of Oikocredit and may never be used for commercial or public purposes without the prior written consent of Oikocredit.
About this website
This website is subject to the following terms of use, which are bindingly agreed in the relationship between the user and us when this website is accessed.
Only Oikocredit International is responsible for the content of its website, but not other third parties named on this website or in these Terms of Use.
The information has been compiled by us with great care. We make every effort to provide up-to-date information at all times. Due to the free nature of the contents of this website, we are only liable for the contents of this website in the event of slight negligence if we, our legal representatives or vicarious agents violate a so-called cardinal obligation (i.e. an obligation whose observance is essential for the execution of this website usage contract and on the observance of which the user could rely) or an injury to life, body or health. Otherwise, we shall only be liable in the event of intent or gross negligence for our own fault or the fault of our legal representatives and vicarious agents. With the exception of intentional acts, we are only liable for typical and foreseeable damages.
This website is intended for online use only. The information contained therein may only be copied, reproduced or used by us with express written permission. To obtain permission, please contact our above address.
We reserve the right to grant and revoke permission to use this website at our sole discretion.
The information contained herein and your use thereof may be subject to certain legal or other terms, conditions or restrictions. Any use of this information must comply with such terms, conditions and restrictions applicable at the place of use.
This website and its content are expressly not intended for persons who, due to their nationality or place of residence, are not permitted to access this information under applicable law.
We reserve the right to modify the respective terms of use from time to time and to adapt them to technical or legal developments.
Applicable law and jurisdiction and dispute settlement
The use of this website shall be governed by Dutch law. All disputes arising in connection with this website shall be resolved by the courts of the Netherlands.
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR): Our email address can be found above under “About Oikocredit International”.
Oikocredit International is not willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.